Monday, April 3, 2017

Good news, it is still very very hot everyday but it is starting to cool down earlier so when counting my many blessings that is surly on the the first ones!

This week was awesome and mostly because of General Conference. Always these two days are a dream and this time it definitely made me wanting so so much more. I loved the short but so very powerful talk from our Prophet about the Book of Mormon. This Book has so much power that I don't think most of us really understand how important it truly is to read this book everyday. I have really grown to love and rely on the love and peace I feel from the words in the Book of Mormon. It might be because it is the only English I get to have in my day but I know that it is also so much more then that.

I also really enjoyed the talk from Elder Holland. This talk really pulled at my heart strings. My companion and I have been having a really hard time having success in our numbers in this area and some days it is really hard to be happy walking around from house to house and being told no,  but one thing that Hermana Avila is really good at is always having a positive look on our day and it is something that I have been trying to work on as well. This talk really spoke to my heart of the importance of enduring to the end but enduring to the end with happiness and the love of our Savior.

I am so grateful for so many things in the moment and one of these things is my family. I knew I had an awesome family before I left but the gratitude that I have for my family and the family unit in general just continues to grow everyday. The family is the thing that helps us experience and have the most happiness that is possible in this life, if the family is in line with the Lord… and this is so true! I am grateful for all the examples of this that I have in my life and I am grateful to be here in Peru helping those who don't know this to learn it so that they can be as blñessed as I am with heavenly happiness on this earth.

I love you all and I am so grateful for all of your love and support. I pray for you daily and think of you often. Thank you for your prayers and support and I wish you all a terrific week!!!

Hermana Brasher

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